The game is out right now on Newgrounds and Main inspirations for the game are old arcade games and more modern arcade-like games such as Antonball Deluxe and Alien Xenoblaster. I have worked on the game for close to two years in total. I first started working on it on February 19th 2023 and launched the game on January 5th 2025.
Painter Blazer is now available on Newgrounds and On Newgrounds you can play it on your browser and earn Newgrounds medals but if you want to download it head on over to the page.
You can play it on Newgrounds and earn medals.
You can download it from
Painter Blazer was one of the games featured in Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2024. The demo is a modified version of the finished game where Blazer goes to an arcade and tries out levels of the game. It features levels 1 and 2 from each 3 worlds and the Spyker boss fight.
You can download it from SAGE's website.
Painter Blazer April fools edition is a fake demo for Painter Blazer released on April 1st of 2024. It has intentionally bad levels and doesn't even have the painting mechanic. Blazer also has a gun in this one. Currently out on Newgrounds.
You can play it on Newgrounds.